
Well, it's raining... in January. 
My friends with fatbikes are all watching in disgust as the snow melts away into snot-slick ice and large puddles, which is miserable to ride in when the temperature is hovering around 36F. The bike stores sold out of fatbike studded tires long ago, and a lot of the fatbike races are in jeopardy of being dominated by relatively skinny 29ers on studs. It's not pretty out there. The dirt is beginning to show through the snow, making a depressing season even darker.
I've already cancelled the first race in my intramural alpine skiing league, because it's not even cold enough to make snow. I spent last Saturday coaching in the rain, which actually was pretty fun because the kids all had pretty good attitudes about it. I don't know if we're going to have such good luck next week.
It's karma, I guess. Last year was a record-breaker in terms of snow fall. We had no major melt-downs, so the snow stayed great all season long. This year? Not so much.
I had to bump the fan up another notch to keep me cool during my workout in the garage, and if the streets weren't so flooded with snow melt I would have considered taking the 'cross bike out with studs.
There is a bright side to this, I guess. My heating bill won't be nearly as high this year. If things continue like this, I'll be riding the road bike on the street sooner than usual. Unlike last year, I have plenty of places to put snow when I shovel the driveway. My car warms up really quickly, and I don't have to scrape the windows.
So while I try to come up with new ways to put a positive spin on the situation, the white stuff is making a beeline for the inlet. For me, it doesn't change much. The scenery when I'm on my bike is still the same.
Here's hoping for a whiter or greener future. Either one. Just make up your mind.


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