Aches and Pains

The last couple weeks I've been feeling little aches and pains. Nothing I'm worried about, though. Maybe it's from the workouts I've been doing. Maybe it's a signal that ski racing season is nearly over and the weather is changing. Maybe it's because my body has been feeding on itself for the last couple months (strange to think of weight loss that way). Maybe I'm getting old. Then again, maybe my enormous black Lab has been sleeping on me again. Could be any of those things, or a combination of them.
The weather is changing. It's getting warmer, the skies are blue more often and the sun is out longer. I'm debating adding another fan in the garage for my bike trainer. I'm holding out hope that we've seen the last serious snow of the year (not that we've had an excessive amount) and the roads will be clear enough by the end of March. I'd like to take the cross bike out and not have to dodge excessive amounts of ice or puddles.
Aches and pains aside, I'm ready to ride again. As much as riding in a cold garage, watching the same videos over and over again can be akin to nirvana, I'm ready for the variables of the road. The wind, the road debris, the climbs and descents... all of the stuff that keeps you mentally engaged in the ride. I'm ready.
That said, I know from hard-earned experience that Alaska's weather really doesn't care what I want. When I want snow, I get rain. When I want warmth and sun, I get rain. Usually the only way I've found to get what I want is to accept what I get and embrace it. More often than not, that means soggy feet.
So, since I can't ride, I've been embracing. The daughter and I went skiing yesterday. I took her on a run through what she called the "Spooky Woods". We played in the half pipe and went over jumps. I used to dread the spring, because it meant deep ruts in race courses, but now I'm enjoying the warm days spent on the hill with my daughter.
Sometimes the weather knows what's best for me.


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