
The joke is getting tired, but it really is true. Now that the rain is here and the temperatures have dropped into the 50s, it finally feels like summer in Anchorage. After a very dry, very warm summer, my body has gotten used to the good life. Now that we've returned to normality, I'm paying for it. 3 straight days of rides in the rain have shown me just how soft I've become.
It's not that I mind riding in the rain. It's not that I particularly enjoy riding in the rain either. Sometimes it's just what is required if you want to ride at all.
Properly outfitted, with my bespoke Rapha cap under my helmet, rain jacket, wool socks, overshoes, and fenders, I'm pretty much in my own little world out on the road. Even when the rain finally soaks through, I'm comfortable enough to keep the pedals turning. I'm not hammering away, doing intervals until I puke, but I can ride at a decent intensity and maintain some of the fitness I've earned. Compared to where I was last August, that's saying a lot. True, my back gets a bit sore afterwards from the cold, wet ride, but it'll get over it. I hope.
I'm in the de-tuning phase of my season, where I dial it back a little to let my body recover a bit. I'm still trying to stay somewhat in shape for 'cross, but I also need to just ride around and enjoy the simple-yet-complex act of riding. When life gets a little hectic, this is where I find some time to reflect and re-center.
It's amazing how relaxing it can be watching the rain drip off the brim of a cycling cap.


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