I Can't Even Scream Profanities Into the Wind.

Justice is dead.
I'll let Madisen Dusenbury Shannon explain, because I'm at a loss for words:

"It is with great disappointment that I'm sharing with our friends and the community that Superior Court Judge William Morse has granted Alexandra Ellis credit for the time she spent in an adolescent treatment center. This means that Ellis will NOT serve some 254 days of her 1 year sentence. Instead, she will serve a very modest 60-90 days for killing my dad.
It is an understatement to say that my mom and I are exhausted from the battle we have fought for the last year and a half. Our experience with this entire case has obviously been eye-opening and disturbing. Since Ellis has been charged, we have been treated unfairly by the judicial system and most of the "players" involved. Since her arrest there has been a deference to Ellis' needs over everyone else, including my father - the victim. Yet still the hardest part of it all is watching my father's killer, in my opinion, have no sympathy at all, just a laugh when I was reading my Victim Impact Statement.
So, what do we do now? We are not done. We ask that the community continues to sign the petition that is circulating. The magnitude of support will be beneficial in the future. We are determined to make sure that injustice like this doesn't continue to happen throughout our state.
Thank you for your support and prayers. Your love and support is a representation of the hope and good that is left in the world. God has a different and greater plan than ours, and though it is frustrating, we continue to have faith that there is purpose behind the corruption we have experienced. Our faith will not be shaken, and one day we will all stand before God for our day of reckoning."

This article was written before the Judge Morse decided that rehab was "just as good" as prison. This rehabilitation included allowing her to take classes at UAA, hop on the rides at the State Fair, and leave the program on occasion with her parents. Just as good as real prison, without all of that punitive stuff.

The drunk that killed one of Iditarod musher Jeff King's dogs will likely spend far more time in jail than Daddy's Little Princess.

I can't even go for a long bike ride and scream profanities into the wind, because of the new snow and ice on the road that fell recently. The same behavior on the trainer would just upset the family and have them scrambling to put family crisis centers on speed dial (just in case). Instead, I'm left with a sense of defeat.

Is it wrong for me to wish upon Ms. Ellis the same prison reception Jared Fogle received? Perhaps my anger is misplaced, and should instead be directed at the judicial system that allowed her actions to remain unpunished. The only people that have been repeatedly punished are Jeff's family.

Justice is dead.


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