Not that I'm Complaining.

As soon as I got the Storck all set up and ready for the grind of wet rides, the sun came out. The worst I got was a couple pleasantly warm drizzles and some wet roads. Then it was a couple warm, sunny days, the kind that delude you into thinking you have some aptitude for the sport.
I pulled off the fenders. I put away the shoe covers and stowed the rain jacket. I put on a nicer set of aluminum wheels.
The rain came back.
Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad year in any way, shape, or form. I've spent more than a few grinding out wet ride after wet ride, day after day during late June, July, and August. Rides where temperatures hover in the 40s to 50s and getting soaked to the bone is a question of when, not if. The kinds of rides that help you truly refine your wet-weather kit. If you don't ride, your fitness fades. The other guy is out there, and his fitness is improving, so you need to be out there too.
There are a lot of wet rides I actually enjoy. Finding that zen state in a sodden world is a great part of cycling. When the starts align and your motivation, kit selection, and bike preparation align perfectly, it can be a lot of fun.
A couple of rainy days isn't going to kill me. Spending a couple minutes slapping on some extra gear isn't going to ruin a training plan. It's an outdoor sport. Stuff changes. You can either adapt or opt out. Your choice.
My tone might change after a few weeks of steady rain, but we haven't had that this year.
I'm not complaining.


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