And On The Tenth Day, He Rested.

Since I got on the trainer a few days after I bounced off the pavement, I haven't missed too many days. Two, to be exact. One of those was to watch the Tour of Anchorage crit, so I guess that can be excused. The other was something I pre-planned to avoid burning out, even though I didn't feel fatigued and really wanted to be on the bike. Usually I do six days straight on the trainer and then goof off for a day, but this time around I haven't felt the need.
I've been tracking how my body has been responding to the longer stretches of riding. My intensity has been slowly creeping up, so it would follow that my body would slowly be breaking down and require a day to bounce back. Because of the volume I was doing before I fell down, this deterioration took longer than usual. To be honest, the numbers remained steady for a while there, so I just kept climbing on the trainer.
On the ninth day of this particular stretch of workouts, I got off the bike after a particularly strenuous (in a good way) session and looked at the numbers, which were finally trending down. I was wondering when that would happen. I still felt good and had actually set some 30-day personal bests, but I knew I needed to back off to avoid burning myself out before I ever got back on asphalt. The whole goal here is to maintain what I have.
On the tenth day I planned for an easy day. The alarm went off and I was awake. The window was open and the cool air made the warm bed seem all that more appealing. Everything was laid out and ready to go for my workout, but I hit the snooze button. Then I hit it again. And again. Then I reset the alarm for an hour later and drifted off to well-earned sleep.
There would be no sweating today.


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