Not Automatic.

I'm still not in the rhythm of the trainer.
Every day I forget something new and have to run back upstairs to get it. Today i was the heart rate monitor. Yesterday was the Garmin. Tomorrow will be something else.
Once I'm in the groove, I can do this all in a semi-conscious state. Of course, by then it will be time for the road again, and I'll start fumbling all over again.
I wrote out a training plan for a month, just to see if I would stick to it. It's not excessively intense, since I am backing away from the fitness edge at the moment. It's more about maintenance than anything else. A gradual return to normal that won't shock my system too much.
I'm not sure I can still stick to a structured plan. Zwift just has too many random squirrels for me to chase. I may have to skip a few days of Zwift a week just to stay on target. Maybe explore some of the other online training resources out there to see if I'd be less inclined to push too hard when I shouldn't be.
I have time. It's going to be a long winter.


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