Not Exactly Where I Want to Be, But Where I'm Going.

As you read this I'm probably crammed into a slowly contracting seat on an airplane with my wife, children, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and assorted other strangers. We're headed for Disneyland, which is not my idea of a vacation. My idea of a vacation would be a trip to Mallorca like Janice and Matt Tanaka did recently. Maybe Tuscany. Someplace with great food and riding.
Instead, we're headed to Anaheim.
I'm bringing a bike. I have ridden there before, riding laps up and down the Santa Ana ditch and occasionally exploring the climbs in the area after the day's business conference was complete. I'm going to try to get in some miles after each solid day of walking around the park, but I doubt there will be much in the legs. I'm going to try to get in a group ride or two, so I can get crushed by some new faces.
First I have to face the Mouse and all that implies. My youngest is pretty into Mickey at the moment, which is fine by me. There's a lot of shows on TV for kids right now that I can't stand, so I can't complain too much about this one. I'm not really all that crazy about amusement parks, but the rest of the family thinks they're wonderful places. I just look at all of the pavement and think about how it would be better used as a crit course. All of the material in the rides could instead be used to make bikes and expensive carbon wheels. The overpriced food kiosks could be serving authentic Belgian frites, really good barbecue, and awesome Mexican street food. So much potential... wasted.
Instead we have to chase down college kids dressed as giant rodents, with minds baked by long hours in the sun inside a smelly costume, for a picture and a poorly-aimed little kid high-five. We have to stand in line with all of the other families for parking, rides, food, souvenirs, bathrooms, and anything else that evil mouse can monetize. Wheeee...
Maybe I'll get in those sunny miles the SoCal riders always brag about on the interwebs. Maybe I'll get a chance to get pummeled by the SoCal riders that enjoy them pretty much year-round. Maybe I'll find some new roads and see some new things. That would balance things out and make it a nice trip.
I sacrifice a lot for my family. I mean, I'm missing a crit for this trip. A crit. That's dedication. That's love. That's what my wife told me we were going to do.
I'll tell the Mouse you said hi.


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