Hobbling Away For A While.

When I broke my collarbone, I was back on the trainer in about a week and blogging away about it. I never stopped.
This time, with a bigger break from being able to turn the pedals and nothing to ride into shape for, I've stepped away from cycling-related things. They just frustrate me, because I can't ride. That includes this blog.
Instead, I've poured my time and energy into the RV. I limp around and tackle thousands of large and small projects. At the end of the day, even if I haven't accomplished much in the big scheme of things, I can see progress. Even when I spend eight full hours cutting and fitting mitered plastic pieces that don't completely line up, I can feel like I did something.  That is a positive thing. I'm making things better.
I ran into my teammate, Craig, at Lowes the other day. He hasn't been riding much either, and has been building up a Sprinter-style van for bike-oriented travel. It's the latest trend. Don't ride your bike and build up a camper so you can ride your bike. It doesn't make sense, but it does.

One day in the not-too-distant future I'll actually get to drive this thing and spend the night away from civilization, warm and dry. One day in the not-too-distant future I'll ride and obsess about my bikes again. My still swollen hip and back pain will subside and I'll gain range-of-motion again. Normal life won't require medication.
I just need a break to heal my body and recharge my mind.



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