It Ain't Easy.

Judging by the posts on Facebook (when I feel like spending any time on it), I'm associated with some pretty awesome people doing some pretty awesome things in any number of ventures.
Road season has ended and 'cross season has begun. The persistent rain and cooler temperatures have certainly made for more "Belgian" conditions, and it sounds like people are having fun. If I wasn't broken and hadn't already made the determination that 'cross is detrimental to my physical well-being, I'd be out there in the mud with them, happily doing serious harm to my body.
As it is, I've been buried on all sides of my life. Work is a never-ending crush of paperwork that has to be reviewed with a magnifying glass, and it's always time-critical. Back-to-school means the kids have to be ferried hither and yon for whatever extra-curricular activities they're pursuing at the moment. I have three kids in three different schools, so I can't even double-up events.
Work on the RV is pretty much complete for the season. One more trip this weekend up towards Denali (about the only place with a decent forecast this weekend), then I'll winterize it and move onto something else. Maybe even clean up the garage.

I bombed a promotion interview a week or so ago. It's pretty bad when you know how tight the selection will be, prepare for what you expect you'll be asked, and then blank out on the first question. I never recovered.
I realized I'm not operating on the same level mentally as I do when I ride. I'm not as agile. I hold onto things longer, dwelling on them until the fester into something not intended and unhealthy. Not being able to scream profanities into the wind removes a valuable outlet for me. I'm better when I ride.
Hopefully this weekend's trip will provide some relief.
The hip still aches, more so since it got colder and rainier. I think it's something I'm going to be living with for a while. The cold and rain have been delaying my return to the bike, because I can deal with one or the other at the moment, but not both. Usually our Septembers are cool and dry, with the traditional rainy season ending in August. This year is a little different, dragging out the precipitation longer than anyone (except a hardcore 'cross guy) wants.
It isn't easy looking at the streams of photos from other people's adventures, so I mostly don't. I disconnect from that world, because I can't participate in some way in it. I go turtle, hoping I can recover enough to ride my bike a handful of times before the snow falls and be sufficiently recovered for ski season. The hope I can claw my way back to the level of mediocrity I once attained is what keeps me plugging away. It's just taking too damn long.
It ain't easy.  


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