OMG. SMH. (Insert Emoticon Here).

The other day Chris Knott and I were texting back and forth like a couple teenage girls. And like all teenage girls, the topic of discussion was how much falling down and hurting yourself affects your motivation.
Wait. That's what kids these days talk about, right?

We're both coming off injuries that set us back considerably, are carrying far more weight than we want to, and are unsure of just how badly we will get crushed come race season. The bright side for both of us is that we both want to ride. Maybe not the punishing, interval-drenched rides that lead to peak performance (not that I what know what that was), but the long, moderate rides that we both need to rebuild some sort of fitness base. Once the foundation is there, once we experience a few sun-drenched rides, once we get a little taste of nectar of competition... maybe we'll start hammering away again like we never stopped.
Maybe not.
We'll have to see. I think we're both wired for it, so even if it takes a little longer this time around, sooner or later we'll be back in the mix. I certainly hope so. That isn't to say we aren't going to line up, but pinning on a number and actually competing are two very different things.
No, we aren't going to grow hipster beards and buy steel Rivendells with bar-end shifters, Brooks saddles, and matching leather bar tape. While I think we both can appreciate the craftsmanship, I think we're more the Speedvagen types. Actually, my Moots pretensions aside, I think we're more the mass-production carbon types. Light, stiff, and go.
Go is just taking a little longer to get moving this time around.
Until then, I'm looking forward to the Moots arriving in the mail. I've already started dreaming about the miles of chugging ahead of me. Since the Tour of Fairbanks is lurching towards oblivion, a drive up that way in the RV this summer with my bikes and my faithful Lab might be in order. Maybe park out in Fox and pick a direction to ride, not worried about crossing a line first but just doing whatever strikes my fancy. It all sounds really, really nice.
Certainly nicer than kitting up and riding the trainer, which is what I'm avoiding at the moment. Like everything else, it's just taking a little longer.



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