Get On With It Already.

I haven't worked in a place with windows for 18 years. Come to think of it, the places I worked in before that had bars and paint over the glass. This was probably to prevent the casual passer-by from seeing me sleep. So pretty much for the past 26 years, if I wanted to see what the weather was like outside, I had to rouse myself from my slumber and amble out and see. Is it sunny? I had no idea most of the time. More often than not I would walk outside fully kitted for a ride and expect to see sun, only to find cold rain. Or I would be suited up for rain and step out onto dry roads. It kept things interesting.
Recently I moved to a new office where my snoring wouldn't disturb anyone else. I'm thoughtful that way. In this office are the feeds from a handful of external security cameras. This is as close to window as I've ever had. I now can know, within seconds from waking, exactly what the weather is like outside. I can see if the roads are dry. It's amazing, and yet it isn't.
What I mostly see is snow.
Snow that should have melted away weeks ago, leaving me with dry, ice free pavement on which to ride my bikes. Snow, whose very existence indicates temperatures from our late winter are lower than required to remove said snow. Snow that I would have sung the praises of in November and December, but now curse silently like a party guest that stayed far too long.
You've had a good run, but now it's time to turn the page. I'm ready to see some green through my 1080p windows. I'm ready to feel the warmth of the sun on my face.
I'm ready for summer.


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