Here Comes the Boom.

I knew it was going to happen.
It's happened many times before, and it will happen again.
I dramatically increase volume and/or intensity in a relatively short period of time, I get away with it for a little while, and then my legs fall off.
In this case, I timed it just about right, missing it by about a day. A day before my rest day and I could barely turn over the pedals. The knee I whacked into a curb at the Tour of Fairbanks a few years back started saying, "Dude. Dude. Dude..." with every revolution. I ground out the 90 minutes I had planned, but it wasn't pleasant. Walking up and down stairs was agony. The persistent ache even crept up my legs when I was stretched out on the bed.
I overdid it again.
Maybe I'll recover enough on my rest day to pick things up again. I'l start slow and try to regain/retain some of my momentum, instead of falling into a pit of sloth and Oreos.
I'm almost back to my pre-season fitness. Sounds weird that my peak happened before the snow was off the roads, but it's true. While the competition was riding into better fitness, I was on a steep decline. Now I'm building it back up for... what? I have no idea.
But being constructive sounds like a better idea than the alternative, so I'm going to go with it.


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