Sometimes You're Up...

I'm doing my best not to peak in the middle of winter.
So far, so good.
In fact, I'm pretty darn far from what anyone would call a peak.
Some of it is physical. I cooked myself a couple months ago, then took too much of a brake, then retarded my recovery even more by getting sick a coupe times.
Right now, a solid 'meh' is about all I have to show for my efforts. 'Meh' isn't too bad, all things considered. 'Meh' I can work with. I can sustain a high level of 'meh' for a long time. If the alternative is the lower end of the spectrum, I'll opt for 'meh'.
I have a couple long hitches coming up at radar sites that are known for being kinda brutal. Grind you down kind of brutal. How I do during the next few months will likely directly affect the quality of my riding this summer. If I can find a groove at these sites which can be sustained, chances are the summer will go well. If I can knock off a few pounds in the process, so much the better.
If I can make it through the two brutal hitches, I have a month-long one at a place where I can abandon the trainer and ride on actual pavement. The workload drops off significantly, freeing me up for more riding time. An early-season mini camp to get some miles in my legs and some inches off my waist. At least that's the plan.
All I have to do is keep slowly building the form and steadily dropping the weight. Easier said than done.
I'm just going to take it one step at a time and see where I end up.


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