Time Suck.

I kinda got out of the habit of writing again- not that anyone was reading.
I was just a bit worn out and unmotivated. They seem to have a lot to do with each other. Instead of doing positive things like sleeping and riding my bike, I find less productive things like games on my iPhone to waste my time.
It used to be they were fun, but now they're more of an obligation. A compulsion. An itch that must be scratched before I could move on to other things. In a lot of ways, it was like decades ago when I used to smoke. At a certain point, it wasn't enjoyable anymore and the act became something I had to do rather than something I wanted to do.

Today I quit. Just like with smoking, it was cold turkey and with immediate effect. I simply deleted them off my phone. Sure, I could just reload them, but I'm too lazy for that. I'm probably going to have withdrawals for a little while, but I'll get over them and be better off for it.
Maybe now I can get on the bike in a timely manner every morning instead of wasting so much time on my phone. Maybe I can go to sleep at a decent hour without playing with the stupid thing. My phone- something I really didn't want initially and still am not fond of being tied to. It seems to be a necessary evil these days, especially with as much travel as I do. That doesn't mean it has to command vast chunks of my time, though.
We'll see how tomorrow goes. And the next day. And the day after that...


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