Three Weeks Down.

I've been here for three weeks now.
I've done longer stints. I've done harder stints. This one really isn't particularly grueling... except it is. The world is falling apart, and I'm watching from the sidelines. 

In some ways, I should be thankful. My chance of infection while I'm here is nil. Everyone here has been on-site for as long as I have, before the first case was reported in Alaska. As I write this, I think we're up to 32. It will probably jump a bit more as more people are tested, but the four of us probably aren't going to make the list. At least, not until some of us leave in a couple weeks. We'll see how this all plays out.
To be honest, I guess the worst thing that could happen is that the guy who is supposed to replace me in a couple weeks gets sick and I have to stay longer. Or travel is suspended and I have to stay longer. Or pretty much any of the other 1000 scenarios that run through my head during downtime happen and I have to stay longer. Oh, I still get paid, and the lights stay on at home, but mentally its a hit to the system- even for a egocentric sociopath like me. 
As always, I ride the trainer to kill the free time. I guess that's pretty much what I'd be doing at home, except I'd have puppies and family and better internet... 

Times like these make you realize what's important.


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