Dodged a Bullet.

I couldn't help myself.

I bid on a Moots Psycho X frameset. I'm not sure why I did it. I mean, it had cantilever brakes, and I already have a Ritchey BreakAway CX with cantis. Not only that, but the Ritchey has never been on the road or trail, and was simply a travel trainer-only bike.

I haven't lined up for a 'cross race since 2014, when I bulged a disc in my back during the first race of the season. Breaking ribs and losing skin was one thing, and I did that every year, but that was another level. I sold my 'cross bike and instead spent my cold, rainy fall days riding on the pavement. 

I must admit sometimes I sorta miss the short, brutal races and the 'cross atmosphere. Changing out of muddy/soggy kit into to warm/dry clothes while my heart slowly stopped trying to burst through my ribcage like the monster from Alien was the best part of the experience. Nothing like intense pain and discomfort to make you appreciate the little things. It would take most of the week to stop gasping sharply every time I stood up, but if there was a race I felt compelled to pin on a number and line up. 

The back injury ended all that, and probably not a moment too soon.

So when I was outbid, it was a relief. My extremely impulsive and illogical action was negated, along with all of the bodily destruction and the eventual bike sale that would have followed  At my current level of fitness, a 'cross race likely would have been fatal. Almost nobody wants cantis anymore, so the sale would have been a significant financial hit. Yeah, it was a bad idea.

I really need to finish my Lynskey Urbano gravel bike project, just so I can show myself for the 1000th time that I would rather be on blacktop.


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