
This is my 983rd blog post.

Sound like a lot? I guess it is. Certainly others have written far more with greater skill.

Still, for a guy who varied from a post every month or so to one almost every day to the current twice a week deal, it's a lot of bullshit clogging up the internet.

In 17 more posts I'll be at a nice, round 1,000 posts. I'm not sure what I'll do then. Probably keep on going until I don't feel like doing it anymore. It's been a struggle at times, but eventually it just became more or less a habit.

Riding a bike is pretty much like that. Once you get going, you just tend to keep moving. Once you stop, it gets harder to overcome inertia and start again. Since I see this as a more or less positive exercise, I figure I'll keep going. 

It's certainly more intellectually stimulating than cruising Facebook or online shopping. It's a time when I can focus and expand on a small thought. Some stay small and go nowhere, while a select few actually lead to something. It really doesn't matter. What matters is the conscious decision to take a few minutes and type something out. If nobody reads it, I'm no richer or poorer financially. My income is not dictated by ad sales or however influencers make their money (don't care). My ego isn't boosted by more traffic, because nobody should be reading this. It's just an exercise, like doing an interval on the trainer. You probably know how excruciatingly tedious those are, so just realize that I'm just trying to keep my aging synapses firing a little longer.

As I said at the outset, this blog is about me.


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