Holiday gift-giving

My family gave me REI gift certificates this year, which was cool. I was happy to trade them in for cycling socks, a bottom bracket, a chain, chain oil, and some other cycling-related odds and ends. I think having such focused interests gives them a general idea of what I want, but leaves them completely clueless about what specifically I want. This year I forgot to send out a list of items and specific stores of sites where they could be purchased for the lowest price (thoughtful me), so they were left floundering a bit. Sorry about that.
My purchases were a bit mundane, but I was happy to get some things I will need when the snow and ice recede from the roads. A very merry Christmas for me.
My coach, Janice, gave me something I needed but wasn't so excited about receiving- 5x1 minute VO2max intervals. While the kids were waiting to open their presents, I was hacking up a lung in the garage.
After all of the food and cookies that I have shoved down my throat this holiday season, I'm afraid to get on the scale to see the damage.
Between the food and gifts from Janice, I'm sure glad Christmas only comes once a year.


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