The Off Season

It's currently 3 degrees Fahrenheit at my house. In my garage, it's hovering right around 50F.
That might explain why I'm sitting at my computer instead of getting on the bike trainer. When it gets cold, it takes a little more effort to get spun up. I'll get there, but I'm not in any hurry.
A whole lot of my peers love riding fat tire bikes all winter long, and a lot of them took a perverse pleasure in pushing them through new snow during a race the other night. I see pictures of icicle-encrusted cyclists and can't help but admire their enthusiasm for riding.
I was out in the exact same weather, spending hours coaching a kids alpine ski racing team, so it's not that I'm afraid of the cold. It's just when the snow falls, my interests wander towards more traditional winter pastimes, and I trade one euro-centric activity for another. I still wear spandex either way.
I know once I get on that trainer, I will get into a rhythm and it won't be a big deal. I'm at the end of a training block, and my muscles are starting to whine a little bit. Tomorrow I begin a recovery week, and I'm ready for the break. Before I know it, I'll be ready to start pushing it again, and the cycle will start all over. That's the way it always goes for me.
I guess I better go get suited up. The garage isn't getting any warmer.


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