Projectus Interruptus

It's been over two months since I hung up the Storck in frustration. It's still hanging there.
Last week I finally started moving towards resolving the situation. Instead of getting replacements for the fragile plastic and rubber cable grommets that came with the frame and were quickly destroyed as I struggled to route the internal cables, I ordered cable stops sets from '08 and '10 Trek Madones. During my cable fight, I realized that the stock ones were going to be destroyed eventually no matter how careful I was. It just wasn't a maintainable and sustainable design, and eventually parts were not going to be available.
I'm not sure this is going to work. It will likely take a little more grinding with the Dremel and drilling to get the parts to fit, but it shouldn't be rocket science. Famous last words.
At this point, I need to do something. The half-built bike is not doing me any good hanging on the ceiling, and I'd like to ride it sometime.
My garage is bursting at the seams with bikes, skis, household debris, and remnants of hobbies I once had and can't bear to part with. Most people would refer to that as junk and my compulsive collection of it as hoarding, but they're just jealous. Still, I'd like to have at least a walkway clear eventually. To get that, I need to hang up a few bikes that aren't being used at the moment. Those hooks are currently occupied by frames and partially-completed bikes.
If I had more space, I could finish more bikes. If I finished more bikes, I would have more space. Catch 22.
A big problem is that now that the weather is nice, I'd rather ride than wrench. Eventually the weather will change, I won't have any room to work on projects, and the pile will grow.
I need to get on top of this, because I keep buying stuff. I like stuff, but it's burying me.



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