Hacking The World.

I resisted it for a long time. I suffered through it for the most part, occasionally altering my schedule so I could avoid the unpleasantness.
Sunday I finally did something about it.
I hacked the world.
Zwift publishes the course schedule every month. I look with dread at days slated for the London or Richmond courses, which I find mind-numbing. They drain whatever enthusiasm I bring into the trainer dungeon. Still, more often than not, I'd slog through my least-favorite courses, telling myself it would make the Watopia course more special. It would keep it from getting stale.
I was lying to myself.
No matter how many additions to Zwift they make, my enthusiasm's shelf life will always outpace their coding abilities. Let's be honest- it's still the trainer. They could have naked women burst out of the screen every lap and I would still get bored eventually. Man, I am getting old. At this point, a bowl of warm soup and a nap under a blanket in my rocker is more my speed.
I knew there was a hack out there to do Watopia whenever you wanted to, but I always saw it as cheating somehow. Sunday I finally caved in and gave it a shot. It was better than I expected.
The only people on the course were others that had hacked it as well. I could ride a whole lap of the main island and not see another soul. I could push harder than I expected without the constant virtual peer pressure, riding my own rides instead of chasing rabbits. I ended up getting several PRs because of this.
Yesterday rolled around and I wrote a blog entry about not riding the trainer because of fatigue. Then, when I got home from work, I got on the trainer and rode the near-empty roads of Watopia again, hammering away and pushing myself as I saw fit.
It's a nice twist to a familiar venue, which reminds me of the beta days of Zwift when the blue ghosts outnumbered the real riders. It will probably quickly get old (at least until the naked lady expansion happens), but it's nice just the same.


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