Isn't It A Little Early For That?

Last night I woke up at 1:00 AM, coughing my lungs out.
There were no warning signs. No runny nose or other indicator that anything was amiss. Just a sudden and violent bout of hacking that ruined an otherwise good night of sleep. I did what I could to calm it down, climbed back into bed, and fell back asleep face-down.
5:00 AM came waaaaayyyy too early.
I got on the trainer and managed a respectable workout. I had a few coughs here or there. Mostly sparse singles and doubles. Nothing like the night before.
I still don't know if I'm actually sick. I'm no more tired than I am any other day, which is to say my status quo of walking dead is unchanged. My nose really isn't running. My appetite is fine. Everything is... normal.
Except for the fact that last night really sucked.
It's too early in the year for all of my progress to be erased by the plague. I haven't had a chance to develop any delusions yet. At least give me a chance to dream of regaining some of what was lost before descending upon me with pestilence not seen since the days of the Black Death.
Is that so much to ask?


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