Past The Deadline.

Little late on this entry, so feel free to dock my blog pay.
Since I cut the cord and have gone to streaming TV, I watch a lot less of it. Part of it is that some of the streaming providers are slower than others, and that makes it hard to channel surf. Therefore, if I don't immediately see something I want to watch or the service is running a bit slow, I just bail.
My wife, on the other hand, is fully engaged with the binge-watching potential of our various streaming providers. She'll watch anything, and is currently going through the first few seasons of ER. Yeah, it's a problem. I'm not immune, and am currently going through the first season of "Westworld", but once I'm done with that I'll probably wait until "The Walking Dead" or "Game of Thrones" comes back on. For the most part, I'd rather just take a nap these days instead of watching hours of mindless TV. It may be that I'm getting old.
I also don't have much access to the Winter Olympic coverage. Since NBC has single-handedly sucked all of the actual sports out of their programming, that's not a great loss. I mainly have been watching highlight clips and the occasional non-US feed. Usually I hear something good happened, then go out and watch the replay. I'm just not engaged.
However, the US women have been carrying the flag honorably. I've always been a big fan of Kikkan and Mikaela, but pretty much I'm impressed with the way the women athletes have been going out and really killing it this Olympics. Now that I think about it, I've only watched women's events so far this time around. There's just something different about the spirit and how they express themselves (win-lose-draw) that seems more... real.
My daughter is 11. I don't think she has an aggressive bone in her body, which indicates my influence over her genetically and developmentally is next to nothing. She's a bright, outgoing, and confident young lady who has all of her mom's best traits and none of my less-savory ones. When she used to play rec-league soccer, she would "share" the ball with the other team so everyone would have a turn. When I played at her age, I was trying to break legs. Her skiing is also less aggressive, and is more about giggling, dancing down the hill, and generally having fun. I wouldn't change this for anything because, despite my best efforts, she is a wonderful person.
She skis with Mighty Mites every year because she has fun and it's a positive, active environment. I don't force her to be competitive. I want her to be surrounded by people that get out and do stuff, even if they aren't very good at it. We haven't been able to work in Mighty Bikes because of our packed summer schedules, and also because she'd quickly realize her old man can't handle a bike worth shit. Better to let her retain some illusions. Still, we try to get her involved with as many active and social groups as possible, because it gives her a stronger sense of identity. Not the identity we choose for her, but the one she crafts for herself.
We've also sent her to a handful of Kikkan's Fast and Female events, to give her role models and surround her with more of that positive athletic vibe. It's not to make her competitive, because I'm not about to push her in that direction, but to give her exposure to a community of people who prioritize an active lifestyle. My hope is that she'll see all of these incredible females out there doing their thing and supporting each other and, at the very least, she'll believe that the possibility exists. Exposure to positive possibilities is about the best thing her crusty, degenerate father can do for her.
So, girl power and all that shit. You go and be the best whatever it ends to being that you can be.


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