Some Days.

Some days I think to myself, as I drive home from work, "you know, maybe I should get on the trainer and knock out a short workout."
You know what? I rarely ever do. 
I climb out of the car, and somewhere between the driveway and the front door all motivation leaves me. I just want a nap.
Today I had those thoughts, but that was after physical therapy. I should have known. Lots of core exercises and stretches to loosen up tendons that have never, ever responded in any meaningful way to stretching. By the time I got home, I had just about enough energy to make it to the hammock in the living room. 
Yes, the family has still refused to let me take down the hammock, and it seems to have become a permanent fixture, more popular than the expensive leather soda and chair that everyone used to fight over. Now, it's a cheap hammock that gets its load capacity tested each and every day.
I did my workout this morning, and didn't cut any corners. I warmed up on the bike at physical therapy before they started beating me up. I've done enough, so I'm not sure where these thoughts of sneaking in some more saddle time come from.
Ain't gonna happen. Certainly not today.


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