I Have To.

Fuck it. I'm riding.
After a week of working on this camper, I'm ready to get back on my bike to work out the knots. Problem is, my wife has dedicated an entire four-day weekend to camping. Rain is in the forecast. Where we're headed is mostly dusty gravel road. We only have so much fresh water capacity in the camper for showers and post-ride cleaning, and we'll have three adults staying in there.
Fuck it. I'll make it work. I'm riding.
I'll bring rain gear and fenders. I'll drive to where the pavement starts. I'll be miserly with the washing water.
I need to get back on the bike. It's been far too long. Not because of the performance loss or anything as meaningless as that. I'm just missing riding. I have an extensive collection of profanities to unleash upon the wind, saved up over the last week. I need time to think or not think and reach that mediation like state I can only reach by turning over the pedals.
Plus, sitting around a campsite for four days with only short excursions away from the camper sounds awfully boring. That's far too much idle time for me.
Fuck it. I'm riding.


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