I Can Tell.

There are several signs that I usually ignore.
The aching legs and high heart rate are probably the most common. There's also the tiredness around my eyes, which indicates things have probably gone on long enough.
However, when I finally get to the point where I can no longer regulate my body temperature, I figure it's time to take a day off. The other night I threw on a hoody to stay warm, while my wife and kids were all wearing shorts and t-shirts. I looked at the thermometer in the car as we headed to the Tastee Freez for what can only be described as Complete Nutrition™, and exclaimed, "that can't be right.". It read 64 degrees. That's downright balmy in Southcentral Alaska. And yet, there I was, shivering in my hoody.
Today I decided I wasn't riding.
Even with the miles I did over the holiday weekend and since, I still don't see the numbers as being all that great. However, in context I guess they are. When you don't ride much, any increase is significant, and I haven't been riding much. I have to work back up to my normal levels of training, or I'll be walking around all summer long bundled up like a fucking tourist.
When the wife and kids leave for the lower 48 at the end of the month, I'll start cranking them out. When I join them in Virginia I'll add onto that a bit. I have no illusions that I'll be building any sort of fitness for racing or anything else, but at least I'll have a base so I can ride as little or as much as I want. This year, that's good enough.
Tomorrow I'll get back on the bike. Because today was sunny and the wind had finally died down, I can expect it will be suitably crappy tomorrow.
I can tell.


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