I'll Take It.

It wasn't perfect.
Rolling out after work, a day's rest stored up in my legs, I was looking forward to getting in some miles. The sky was blue and the sun was warm. I ditched the knee warmers and merino wool base layer that had been my uniform up until this point. I was pretty sure my black cycling cap, already streaked with salt, was going to get a whole new set of stripes.
The only small pebble in my shoe was the wind.
The blue skies had warmed up the inlet, and the air coming off the water was causing the flags to stick straight out as it charged towards the mountains. Unfortunately, the exact direction the wind was heading favored me in about .05% of the ride. The rest of the time it was either neutral or actively working against me. Having dealt with cold and wet wind blowing in my face the last couple months, this wasn't so bad. Nothing like having a little perspective.
I pushed to make the self-imposed time cuts at various checkpoints along the ride, with success about half of the time. Occasionally I would try to get as small as possible and compare my power output and speed. I guess my usual barn door profile isn't as aerodynamic as I thought. Other times I'd sit up and just spin, not concerned about being the fastest MAMIL on the MUT. Actually, I was surprised how few riders were out alongside the highway, on a beautiful day like that. I guess they were waiting for the clouds to roll back in.
The decent weather took a little longer to arrive this year. I'm not sure how long it's going to last, but I plan on taking advantage of it. We only get so much of it.


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