Bad Man Hurt Me.

In Fairbanks for the an undefined time, I decided to take advantage of the excellent riding they have around here. For the most part, the pavement is falling apart. Frost heaves, melting permafrost, and all sorts of damage pretty much destroys even the freshest asphalt within a couple years. However, as bad as the roads can be, they lead to some pretty great places with some awesome views. Unlike the Anchorage loops I've worn ruts into over the years, these are all new. I can get lost and see new stuff, which is invigorating.
I linked up with Chris Knott for a couple hours last Tuesday, and he took me on a loop (or five- I lost count) of some of the local climbs. The extra weight did me no favors, and my strict regime of non-riding didn't help either. Chris rode along at a recovery pace while I gasped and wheezed up each climb, whining about when the suffering was going to end.
My fat cried.
This, of course, was exactly what I needed. I need to ride countless hills and miles to regain myself. I need to be engaged with riding again. And yes, I need to hurt.
I may not really want to, but I need to.


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