
On the ride from South Rolly Lake to Big Lake, before my day went to shit with gravel and pinch flats, my mind wandered.
Say, if I was bitten by a vampire and turned, would I stay fat? I mean, I get I'd be all super-strong on the bike, but I'd want the power-to-weight ratio as well. I don't want to be fat for eternity, especially if I'd be limited to twilight crits and velodromes for racing. If I'm super-vampire skinny, nobody would think twice, but when a fat guy starts dominating, the USADA comes calling for random samples.
As long as I don't turn into a complete douche like those Twilight kids, I'd be good. Just give me a solid Selene from Underworld physique, and I bet I could win a few sock primes.  
That's the kind of stuff I think about when I'm on a longer ride. I don't try to fix the world's problems, I just work out the logistics of vampire doping.
Marginal gains and the like.


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