Itchy and Scratchy

I wrote this a month ago and never posted it. I have no idea why.

I'm clawing the skin off my legs.
About this time every year, my skin starts drying out. I start slathering on weapons-grade lotions to keep the itching to a minimum, but there's always a couple weeks that certain patches of skin get the best of me. I end up scratching until I bleed, which tends to ruin the aesthetic appeal of my smooth roadie legs. I've had road rash that looked better.
The dry air off the Chukchi Sea is really doing a number on me. Taking two or more showers a day under the hyper-treated water at the radar sites doesn't help much. Since I usually split my workouts into morning and night sessions, I take a shower after each- the alternative would be festering in my sweat salt all night, which would probably be about equally as bad for my skin.

It will pass. My skin always adapts after a while, and the claw marks fade from my shins. It's more of an annoyance than anything else. Until then, it's probably best I don't walk around in shorts- lest my co-workers get the impression I'm into kinky stuff or they need to report some domestic abuse.
Maybe I can claw off some fat with the dry skin. That would be nice.


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