Closing In On Me.

I knew it was going to happen eventually. I just didn't want it to happen so soon.
We're getting down to the last few, precious days of fall. The way weather's been going the last few years, we could have a couple weeks more of road riding- but I'm not counting on it. The snow has been creeping down the hills. The rain has gotten colder. The furnace cycles more often these days, despite my current battles with my wife over what constitutes "comfortable". It's coming.
Trainer season.
This year I didn't get a chance to burn myself out before the snow came. My longest rides have been around two hours. Any more than that and I feel it for days.
To be honest, trainer season will probably be good for me. It's a time of schedules and discipline. Getting up early and sweating. Starting the day with an endorphin rush. Once I'm in the rhythm, it kinda sustains itself. Then again, the trick is finding that groove.
I'd rather be on the road right now. Despite yesterday's session on Zwift, I'm not giving up just yet. There's probably a few good days left in the ol' girl before we put her to rest and retreat to the gloomy confines of the trainer dungeon, where the only sunlight is virtual.
I'm ready, but I'm not ready. 


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