Excuses, Excuses.

Any old excuse will do.
Normally I will jump at any excuse to ride. It's sunny. It's partially cloudy. It's rainy, but not too rainy. It's rainy, but it may stop. It won't stop, but one day you'll regret missing out on an opportunity to ride. Even when it's not in my best interests, I'll still look for a way to ride. Unless I'm dead tired or the heavens conspire to keep me off the bike, I will usually ride.
Lately, I've been finding a lot of excuses to avoid riding. It's windy. It's overcast and it might rain. It's raining. I'm achy. I'm tired. I forgot my heart rate strap (as if that matters). My tires are too flat. My tires are overfilled. I broke my shifter. My shifters work fine...
I'd like to get back to finding excuses to ride, and that means working past all of the excuses not to. When it comes down to it, I rarely get home from a ride and think I should have skipped it and gone to bed. I have to remind myself of that as I work through the pile of things keeping me out of the saddle. 
One day it won't be so much of an effort just to swing a leg over the top tube and go for a spin. One day, without me noticing it, I'll just go back to automatically assuming I am going to spin the pedals. It may happen this winter, in the middle of the trainer season. Once day I'll just do it because... that's what I do.
I can't wait.


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