This morning I woke up to the sound of pouring rain. By Anchorage standards, it sounded torrential. By Florida standards, it was a light mist.
After yesterday's gloriousness, a return to cold, soggy riding is like a punch in the gut.
Still, I packed up my kit and threw the bike on top of the car. I'm not 100% sure I'll ride after work, but having everything readily at hand eliminates one excuse.
Recreating my compulsion to ride that bordered on serious addiction is harder than I though it would be. The rain isn't helping at all. I take one look at the drops falling from the sky and my whole body aches. Part of the fun of getting old, I guess.
The other day I started putting together the Storck for the trainer. I was adjusting the rear derailleur when I realized I had cut the chain one link too short. It's not a huge deal, and I have a few options to rectify the situation. Instead, I quietly put down my tools and walked away. I'll fix it the next day I take off from riding (it will probably be raining). I'm not in any hurry to rush to the trainer. It will happen soon enough.
The Dome is inflated again, and they're working on getting it open by mid-Novemeber. No word on whether cyclists will be welcome on Sundays again, but I sure hope we are. Getting in a few social laps every week was a great way to break up the trainer monotony.
I'm hoping for more of those blue sky fall days before the season closes in on me. It does wonders for my mental state, not to mention it slows my physical decline somewhat.
Hopefully I ride today. Too early to tell.


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