
Yesterday I wrote a long draft of a post about the liberation one feels when, after years of beating your head up against a wall, you finally accept you no longer have faith in an organization's leadership or your ability to advocate for what you consider the right course of action and effect positive change.
...and no, this isn't a cycling or skiing organization, so chances are if you're reading this we're probably good. Completely different compartment of my fragmented existence.
This morning I re-read it, then deleted it. Its purpose had been served. I was able to articulate my thoughts in a structured way, which was liberating in itself. To publish out there in the world would not have had any positive impact- certainly not for me. As I said, it served its purpose.
I took a seminar on, among other things, using social media to improve your job prospects. The big takeaway was that human resource-types research you on the interwebs and see what kind of social media presence you have. They essentially cyber-stalk you, so you have to be careful of what your social media image is.
My social media presence is limited to sarcastic comments on other people's posts, pictures my wife puts out there of my kids, and a rare original bike or skiing-related post on Facebook. And this blog, which is mostly about how much I suck at riding a bike.
Nothing earth-shattering there.
Every once in a while I'll write up a post and let it marinade for a while before deleting it. Usually it's because it's completely inane (even more so than the rest of this dreck), but sometimes it's because I see the negative consequences outweighing the positive. I may no longer feel that way, once I back away a bit and take another look at things from a different point of view. Writing things out can be part of the cooling off process. Usually I don't hold grudges, mainly because I forget to. One of the benefits of hitting your head a few too many times.
This blog has always been a limited expression of how I view things. Limited because I suck at writing, but also limited because I've never been much of a sharer. From what I've heard, sharing is caring, and my capacity for giving a shit shrinks with each passing day.
Unless I'm tagged in a post, you're not going to be able to track my movements or culinary preferences through social media. The chances of pictures of me drunk are going to be hard to Googlificate. My public political advocacy could probably be summed up as "they're all fucktards, so I voted for the stoner. Worst he'll do for the country is sit around on the couch and eat Doritos." I may be engaged and socially active. I may care passionately about something other than bikes. I may making a skin suit out of women I keep in a hole in my basement. I just won't advertise it on social media.
Some things can just remain unsaid.


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