Sleep Aid.

I know reading about my latest trainer ride on Zwift puts most people to sleep. Writing them sure causes me to nod off. Problem is, this time of year it's pretty much all that's happening.
Ever since I took Wanky's advice to post more than two or three times a month, there have been times of feast and famine when it comes to blog post material. Usually I come up with a ton of ideas when I'm out on the road, and some of them I actually remember long enough to expand into a post. On the trainer, all I'm usually thinking about is a quick and merciful death, so not a whole lot of good ideas spring from that well of misery.
This year I've made a conscious effort to not buy a lot of bike parts, and instead check deeper than the first strata of the parts pile to see if I already don't have five or six of the same thing. In related news, online auction website eBay has filed for bankruptcy protection based on disastrous third quarter earnings. Actually, I'm not sure if I just made that up, but based on my historical spending habits, it certainly feels plausible. I even managed not to jump at a nice set of carbon bars on craigslist, even though I really. really don't have any need for them. Usually my lack of an actual need for something provided ample justification for its purchase. My mind just seems to work that way.
It's not like I haven't been spending money I don't have, burdening future generations with my debt. I am an American, after all. Instead, I've been buying stuff for the RV. In the last month, I've probably exchanged more money for Amazon boxes than I paid for the vehicle itself. My latest purchases have been related to making the RV more self-contained and efficient (if an RV could ever be called efficient). Most of the state-owned RV parks and other places we might go have no hookups for water and electrical. In the spirit of overdoing it (is there another spirit?), I have been slowly researching and acquiring the components for a solar power system that will be completely overbuilt for the amount of wattage it will provide to the battery bank and the amount of carbon emissions used to create the components. This isn't about being green, it's about greed. Other boxes contain fittings, insulating foam blocks, and all sorts of other projects I assume I will have time to install sometime this spring before we start actually using the thing. Chances are, most of it will remain undone and forgotten, the seedlings for a completely different parts pile.
I'm hoping inspiration for new blog posts will fall on me like a ton of bricks one day soon, so I won't have to rely on virtual cycling to be my sole source of ideas. I realize nobody cares what happened during the brief time I was logged onto Zwift, because even I don't care. I do my time and log off when I'm done. No need to dwell on the unpleasantness.
Maybe once ski season starts...


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