Saddle Up.

I've used the same basic saddle almost exclusively for the last ten years. The only difference might have been the level within that particular line, shaving a few grams here and there with carbon this or that, but the basic shape and width were always the same. My main selection criteria has always been mainly centered around how many saddle sores it caused. Once I found a saddle that met it, I stopped looking and stocked up. Even after it was discontinued, I kept buying them off eBay. I have quite a collection.
Recently, CyclingTips did an article about how bicycle seats can damage your lady parts. I didn't read it, so you'll have to find it for yourself. However, fourth-hand summaries of the article were enough to spur me into action.
I'd found a good reason to go spend money on bike parts.
Exhaustive research of peer-reviewed internet cycling forums and unbiased retailers narrowed my choices of saddles down to two different saddles, the Specialized Power and the Shimano PRO Stealth. Both have great big cutouts for my lady parts and are wide for my big fat ass. Some people preferred one, some the other.
Faced with that sort of inconclusive research, I did what any red-blooded American would do- I bought both.
We'll see how this work out. To be honest, I hope I like the Shimano more, because it has a cool race number attachment and won't look like the antichrist mounted on my Trek Madones. Mixing Trek and Specialized just seems like sacrilege, although I've worn Specialized shoes forever. Plus, the Shimano has the advantage of being PRO, so it has that going for it.
We'll see how my lady parts like each one, and then let the consuming begin.


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