Fluffing It Up.

About 11 months ago, The Dome collapsed under the weight of snow. Where the blame for the failure lies is still up for debate, but when it went away so did the primary training venue for a large number of sports. Some found makeshift accommodations at smaller, more traditional indoor facilities and some just stopped until the snow melted off the fields and trails. I don't think anyone quite realized what a resource it was until it was gone.
The Dome is now under new ownership and management, and should be opening in January. I've heard of a lot of sports organizations lining up to reserve slots, and there's probably ten times that many I haven't heard of.
Which makes me wonder- when the new, improved (now with inflation!) Dome opens up, will there be a slot for bikes? I haven't seen a new schedule or talked to anyone about it (because I'm too lazy), but I'm wondering if the new regime will want the bikes back. We never had a huge presence, but we did have some good-sized groups out there making laps. Since most of us were paying the day rate for the session, it was added revenue at a low usage time. However, you never know...
I hope it comes back. It was a nice break from the trainer. It was nice to socialize with other roadies and maybe do some intensity (or not) with some actual turning involved. It was nice to get on the TT bike and sort out new stuff before the first Moose Run. Even if I always had to leave after the first hour so I could go coach Mighty Mites, it was worth the cost of admission for me. The reddish-orange dust the track left on my bike was a reminder that cycling is more than sweating in one place.
We'll see how things go. Maybe there will be a spot in the schedule for people who like to ride kid toys in their underwear.
I hope so.


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