
I generally follow a few different cycling bloggers, because somebody has to read it. Might as well be me.
Over the years, I've noticed, as a general rule, my posts are shorter than theirs.
Some bloggers post less frequently, allowing them more time to ponder and expand upon their theme. I used to post less frequently, but I don't think the quality was any better. There were just more shitty words strung together in a given post. There's only so much crap, even in someone like me, so when I upped the frequency I had to meter my feces to spread it evenly. If you want a blog to grow, you can't dump all of the fertilizer in one spot.  

Others post the same amount or even more than I do, yet each post is longer. Some manage to make me laugh, pause to consider their point of view, or scream profanities at the screen, as is my wont. They also have a way with words and the ability to craft their posts into something actually readable. I marvel at their engagement with the world and their ability to convey their point of view that sometimes makes me reconsider a position.
I, on the other hand, just say everything sucks and blame everyone else for my inability to ride a bicycle good. Yep, that pretty much sums up my blog.
So, I read their engaged and thoughtful words, then in the real world pass off their well-reasoned viewpoints as my own. This hopefully gives the appearance of someone who has considered the issue at hand at great length, weighed the available information, and developed an independent and intelligent position. Then I'll smear a little bit of poo on it, just to make the illusion more believable. That's what I have going for me- poop and plagiarism.
I always am sorry to see a blogger I follow stop writing, because my pool of "original" ideas gets that much smaller. Whether the reason for the blog ending is life changing (Aki) or ending (Tilford), eventually everything comes to an end. You enjoy it while it's around, steal like hell from it at every opportunity, and mourn it when it's gone. Then it's only a couple of clicks to PornHub...
So, as long as this blog exists, you can rely on it for your daily dose of concise, recycled content delivered in an incomprehensible fashion. It's my solemn promise to you.
That's all I have to say about that.


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