Not The Brightest Move.

Watching the TrainingPeaks squiggly lines trenddown instead of up was too hard, so at the first parting of the flu clouds, I kitted up. I walked downstairs and sat down in my computer chair to put on my shoes. Three hours later I actually got on the bike. I literally sat there, fully kitted, for three hours. 
My body was trying to tell me something.
Eventually I was able to ignore it, and I went into the garage to see if I could make the pedals go roundy-round. It soon became evident that I could, but it wasn't all that easy. In fact, I would say that was the hardest 75 minutes of Zone 2 riding I've ever done. When I got off, I felt dizzy. I could barely walk. I started coughing uncontrollably, and pretty much crawled my way out of the garage.
The rest of the day was spent hogging the Christmas hammock and counting the minutes until the next round of medicine.
I should have listened.
The next day, Sunday, I didn't even consider going to The Dome. I wasn't contagious anymore, but nobody wants to ride with someone who can barely walk. The hacking and profuse sweating for no apparent reason don't do anything for the appeal, either. I'm the total package.
Maybe Monday would be different, and I could start the climb out of this latest setback.


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