
I just finished day three of the flu, day two of not getting on the bike.
The only virtual world I'm frequenting is Netflix.
The intervals I care about are the times between medication doses.

All I need to do to make myself hurt is brush up against some air.
This sucks.
I had just leveled off onto a sustainable training volume/intensity on TrainingPeaks, and now I'm watching it dribble away. The Type A side of me wants to get on and only do an "easy ride" to slow the plummet, but then I move and am reminded why that isn't possible at the moment.
Mainly I just sleep.
I'd like to believe that I will be well-rested when I get back, but the truth is that I'll be stale and still recovering. I'll probably take weeks to get back to where I was. That's the brutal reality I'm facing. 
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to bed. Typing hurts too much.


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