Setting The Standard.

On January 1, 2018 I didn't get on my bike at all.
I slept in until my wife made me get up and go to the store. Upon return, I stumbled around a while and then went back to bed. Eventually I walked out to the living room and party my wife was hosting, Shoved a few handfuls of finger foods in my mouth, and then went back to bed.
When everyone was gone, I got back up with considerable prodding from the wife and set up the hammock and its frame. This humble present, addressed to nobody in particular and purchased on a whim when I noticed it was on clearance on Amazon, jumped to the top of this year's most popular Christmas gift list. Heated arguments have erupted over who gets to be in the hammock, which is the gold standard indication for gift quality. Go figure.
When all was said and done, I went back to bed for my marathon sleep session.
If the precedence set on the first day of 2018 s any indication,
  • My fitness is going to suck this year.
  • I'm going to be fat.
  • I may or may not be well-rested.
  • I'm not going to improve my skills in social situations.
  • The best gifts require the least amount of thought.
We'll see if I can live up to these lofty ideals as the year progresses. If history is any guide, chances are I'm going to fail... except for the part about sucking at riding a bike. That one is pretty much a lock.


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