By The Time You Read This.

By the time you read this, I will hopefully be on my way home.
Best-case scenario, I'll be home for three weeks before I head out again. Since early December, I've been home a total of ten days. Two weeks sounds glorious. Of course, the current pandemic could change all of that. Things are a little too fluid at the moment, and the universe could conspire to screw that all up.
For the moment, I'm done with making plans. Things will either happen or they won't.
I was already less than enthused about the Arctic Bike Club's road racing schedule, but now that most of it probably won't happen, my motivation to reach any sort of fitness is pretty much gone. If they have any races and I'm around, I may show up. Or not.
I think this summer will be mostly about just riding around, seeing stuff. If I happen to get a little fit that way, so much the better. It isn't the overarching goal, though. It's all about just riding for riding's sake.
Sooner or later I'm not going to have the option. Age or illness or injury or a global pandemic are going to conspire and my riding days will be done. Might as well enjoy it while I can.
I really feel sorry for all of those athletes out there who dedicated their every waking moment to preparing for competition, only to have it wiped away. All those euro-pros in Italy and Spain who can't even ride their bikes outside now. All of those plans...
Yeah, I'm pretty much done with it for the near term.
I'm not going to stress about peaking for X or making Y happen, because they probably won't go as planned. From my vantage point, things are going to be hosed for a while, so we might as well figure out where our priorities are.
Family, puppies, bikes, camping, and taking naps. That's about as detailed as I'm going to get.


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