
I logged onto Training Peaks today, after a month of not riding.
All of the progress, all of the effort focused on driving those squiggly lines upward had been wiped away. At least, that's what the charts said.
I've lost fitness. This should be plain, even to an idiot like me. I wasn't sitting around, doing nothing nothing during this time, but the cycling fitness took a huge hit. I probably gained a few pounds (I haven't checked). My hips and back are in sorry shape form the lack of riding and stretching. I'm not falling apart, but I'm not far from it.
The projects I did during the down-time needed to be done. They pile up while I'm away from home. Spending time with the family and dogs was something I'll never regret. The eye issues I had which kept me off the bike were more pressing than any canceled race I was "training" for. Simply put, I had better things to do.
But now I need to get moving again. It's time to start pushing the boulder up the hill. I need to reconnect with that part of myself that provides an anchoring center. I've lacked the clarity that comes after a good session of venting my frustrations and shouting profanities into the wind.
I've been adrift, but it's nothing a good ride can't fix.


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