Packing Up.

 After almost three months of being home, it's time to head back out and make some money. My war chest is depleted, and sooner or later the bosses would figure out just how replaceable I am.

Time to restock the supplies and sort out the gear. I pulled out the Pelican cases, which hadn't been touched since my last hitch, and tried to organize the mess. The bike cases will have to be started from scratch. I had stolen bits and pieces from the trainer bike's case, and months later I have no idea where anything is. I just look at everything with fresh eyes, culling the stuff I don't need and adding the stuff I do. More often than not, my editing skills leave a lot to be desired.

I fly out Friday, and I feel like I'm leaving behind a lot of unfinished projects at home. There's never enough time, no matter how much time I have. I'll squander whatever you give me.

The riding I wanted to do never happened. The good weather coincided with time-sucking chores, and the rain killed my motivation to get going again. I'd string together a couple good rides and then stop. I rarely bothered to download my Garmin, because I would have to face the sad truth that I'm no longer much of a rider.

One nice thing about heading out is that I'm pretty darn sure I'll be on the trainer again on a regular basis. That's pretty much the only thing I do during my free time, so it's easy to stick to a schedule. I'm not looking forward to a return to Zwift, but I guess virtual riding is better than no riding at all.

I'm hoping I'll still have a couple weeks of potential pavement riding left when I get back. What I do with that time is up in the air. If my recent riding history is any indication, I'll probably find an excuse not to.

But there's always a chance...


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